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How to demonstrate the business value of data

Extreme business disruption, uncertainty and economic headwinds demand that organizations place their bets on investments that create opportunity and value. In the past, many technology investments were made on a leap of faith. Now, information technology leaders are being asked to explain the value of what they do to other executives. When it comes to data and analytics ...

Transformative tech: Demand for cloud-native capabilities expands to more than meets than eye

For nearly a decade, the global cloud community has come together to improve enterprise technology, and by extension, the world. As demand for faster delivery, flexibility, scalability and resilience increases, so does the competition. The main way businesses optimize their cloud-native capabilities is by collaborating with a cloud partner. Since bundling together not only their ...

Accenture Security and Palo Alto Networks partner to secure cloud cybersecurity gaps

As digital threats continue to multiply in both number and severity, cybersecurity has been a growing concern for IT leaders globally. Cybersecurity consultant group Accenture Security has been named Palo Alto Network Inc.’s Government Systems Integrator of the Year for four years, embracing zero-trust network infrastructures as the pandemic shakes up the remote workforce and ...

How entrepreneurs can leverage the coming golden age of cybersecurity

As the markets continue to fluctuate, budget cuts and layoffs now extend across the tech industry, with cybersecurity no exception from tightening its belt and assessing its priorities. Investors are proceeding with caution and waiting to see a correction in valuations, while cybersecurity startups are examining their runway and long-term viability. The growing number and sophistication ...

A bridge worth burning: How to shore up Web3’s biggest weakness

An internet is only as good as its weakest link, and it is clear that Web3’s weakest link has become the bridge. Chainanalysis estimates that there have been $2 billion in bridge attacks over the last year, with that type of attack now by far the most popular method of stealing cryptocurrencies. Traditional Web 1.0 ...

AI goes mainstream, but return on investment remains elusive

A decade of big data investments, combined with cloud scalability, the rise of more cost effective processing and the introduction of advanced tooling, has catapulted machine intelligence to the forefront of technology investments. No matter what job you have, your operation will be AI powered within five years and machines may be doing your job ...

HashiCorp and Palo Alto team up to help users adopt multicloud infrastructure with zero-trust security solutions

Businesses are moving to multicloud adoption, with 81% of HashiCorp Inc.’s “State of Cloud Strategy Survey 2022” respondents reporting using more than one cloud, with larger organizations more likely to use multicloud solutions. Palo Alto Networks Inc. and HashiCorp Inc. recently released an updated cloud operating model, allowing users to use products across thousands of enterprises. “Palo ... speeds up data pipelines and analytics, increases engagement with developers

Today’s data teams must face the costs of maintaining fragmented solutions with lots of seams between tools.  They deal with decreased productivity and velocity of data teams, as well as challenges in hiring and retaining data engineering expertise.  Sean Knapp (pictured), founder and chief executive officer of Ascension Labs Inc., aims to solve these challenges ...

The maturation of supercloud drives the need for new tooling

Supercloud is quickly becoming a reality for enterprises and their business-critical applications.  Organizations must be able to assemble infrastructure services from multiple cloud providers to deliver optimal results for their business. “You need consistent architecture, obviously not just for one cloud, but for any cloud,” said Steve Mullaney (pictured), president and chief executive officer of ...

MariaDB helps on-prem orgs leverage cloud database as a path to the future

In today’s real-time world, companies must deal with data in a different way than they did 10 years ago. Enterprise technology and the amount of data being collected have evolved and increased. Modern companies need something that can support their core business practices and deliverables, as well as propel their IT into the future. MariaDB ...